Psiphon 3
Psiphon 3

Must Read: MX Player for PC Windows 10/7/8 & Xender for PC Windows 10/7/8.

  • Once it is installed, you are all set to use the application.
  • Once you have found the app, click on the install button.
  • Then from the Bluestacks dashboard go to the Play store and search for the Psiphon.
  • Once Bluestacks is downloaded, install it on your computer and sign up using your Gmail.
  • However, Bluestacks is the most preferred one. You can download Android emulators like Bluestacks, Genymotion, Droid4X or any other emulator.
  • In this method, you have to download an Android Emulator at first.
  • psiphon 3

    However, the old method is not recommended yet, as there is a windows version for Psiphon available. So simply go ahead and download the application.

    Psiphon 3